On the day of treatment you should not have a cold sore. In that case we make a new appointment.
When using skin thinning medication, no treatment may take place.
When undergoing a Intense vitamine C peel or Mela pigment peel stop using retinol 1-3% / vitamin A acid cream on the treatment area 5 days before the treatment.
Sunscreen with SPF30/50 should be applied regularly; 6 weeks prior to 4 weeks after treatment.
Men may shave their face up to 24 hours prior treatment. After that no more.
The treatment cannot take place during pregnancy and / or breastfeeding.
Please come to the appointment without make-up.
After treatment
Until 24 hours after the treatment you should not take a hot shower.
After the treatment you may not exercise, swim or go to the sauna for 48 hours.
Do not scratch sheets/crusts, this prevents scarring.
On day 2 after the treatment your skin sometimes starts to flake. This is a desired reaction and lasts up to 5 days. In case of a TCA peeling, this flaking can be more intense and last at least 7 days.
For 3-5 days after the treatment, cleanse your skin morning and evening only with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry.
Up to 2 weeks after the treatment you should avoid the sun or a sunbed, because your skin is extra vulnerable to sunlight. Apply sunscreen with SPF 30/50 regularly.
Do not use any irritating skin care or medication creams for the first 5-10 days after the treatment until your skin feels normal again and is no longer red.
For a few days after the treatment you can use the post-treatment cream from the clinic or a very mild skin care. Do not apply too much and not too often so you do not counteract the flaking process.
You may immediately camouflage your skin with Jane Iredale make-up (for sale in our clinic). This mineral make up contains no perfumes and parabens and allows the skin to breathe.
Contact us if your skin shows any blisters or still feels extremely swollen, red, itchy or burning after 3 days.