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Electric epilation

Hair is beautiful, of course! But not in unwanted places, you would simply not want that. Still, you can't do anything about it. Or can you? With the light and laser treatment of Huid & Laser Kliniek Delft, you choose permanent hair removal. So that annoying hairs do not come back again and again and you do not have to feel annoyed anymore. Together we address the unwanted hair growth with electric epilation. Focused, efficient, and hair by hair. We are happy to tell you more about it.

Fortunately, you are not alone; unwanted hair growth occurs in many people for various reasons. This hair growth in a place where you'd rather not see it often causes a feeling of shame. Electric epilation is a great and durable solution, suitable for all types of hair: from blond to gray, from red to dark.

More and more people are choosing, with results, for an electric hair removal treatment at Huid & Laser Kliniek Delft. Logical, because electric epilation is suitable for all skin types and many hair colors. Ask your questions to a dermal therapist during a free consultation if you want to discover if electric epilation is something for you.

Our electric hair removal treatment is performed with a tiny needle that is as thin as the hair itself. The hair follicle is eliminated with heat and so our specialist stops the hair growth. Together we can achieve a hair reduction of 80%. A smooth and visible result.

Step-by-step electric epilation

For electric epilation in Delft you are in good hands with the dermal therapists of Huid & Laser Kliniek Delft. With our electric hair removal device we remove your unwanted hair. This is how we treat your disturbing hairs one by one in 6 steps.

Step 1.

We study your skin, hair growth and together establish a plan of action;

Step 2.

The skin specialist carefully cleanses your skin;

Step 3.

A sterile needle is inserted painlessly along the hair into the skin;

Step 4.

We heat the needle tip and the growth cells of the hair are eliminated;

Step 5.

The hair releases and is removed by the skin therapist with tweezers;

Step 6.

Together we discuss the progress, your further treatment plan and use of products.

During the treatment, the heat can be slightly sensitive. This is of course different for each person, but because we can adjust the strength, the treatment is well tolerated by everyone. After the electric epilation your skin can be a little red and also feel a little burning. Don't worry, this usually disappears within a few hours. The nice prospect? After each treatment, fewer and fewer hairs come back.

Number of electric epilation treatments

The number of electrical epilation treatments depends on the size of the area to be treated and the amount of hair. Electric epilation of, for example, the chin takes 10 to 25 sessions (every 2 to 6 weeks) of about 30 minutes. About 70-80% of the hair follicles are then destroyed. The remaining hairs are thin in structure and therefore hardly disturbing. The best results are achieved when there is a fixed rhythm in the treatment plan. It is true that in electric epilation is worked hair by hair. Therefore it works less quickly than our laser therapy.

Looking for lasting and durable results? Then the Kliniek Delft Hair Clinic advises you to schedule a few treatments per year. Also because of hormonal influences those negligible downy hairs can become even thicker hairs. Together with our skin therapist in Delft you can prevent this. We will tell you all about it during a free consultation.

Electric epilation < 15 minutes  45,-
Electric epilation < 30 minutes  65,-
Electric epilation < 45 minutes 95,-
Electric epilation < 60 minutes 125,-

Frequently asked questions

How does electrical epilation work?

After briefly studying your skin, we create a plan of action together. Next, we professionally cleanse the skin and the dermal therapist inserts a sterile needle (painlessly) along the hair under the skin. The needle tip becomes warm and destroys the growth cells of the hair. The hair releases and is then removed with tweezers. This is how we work hair by hair to eliminate your unwanted hair growth.

What are the prices of electrical epilation?

The cost of electric epilation varies and depends on the size of the area to be epilated. A session takes about 30 minutes and an average course often requires a total of 10 to 25 treatments. The matching rates are: 45,- for a treatment of approximately 15 minutes and 65,- for a treatment of approximately 30 minutes.

Electric hair removal or laser hair removal, is it the same thing?

Electric hair removal and laser hair removal are two different treatments. The main difference is that we use electrical epilation on gray and white hairs and the laser on the brown and black hairs. In addition, we only electrically depilate the face. The laser is used all over the body. These are proven effective techniques that combat unwanted hair growth. Feel free to schedule a free consultation and find out which treatment suits you perfectly. 

Does electric epilation hurt?

Of course, you may feel something from it because the growth cells of the hairs under your skin are turned off with heat. This is done on the basis of amperage. The nice thing is that we can adjust this amperage, making the sensitivity easy to bear by anyone.

Is it easy to do electric epilation yourself at home?

No, this is not possible. This really needs to be done by a trained dermal therapist, because you cannot see the opening of the hairs yourself. Also, the needle must insert into the hair follicle in the correct manner. Prevent an affected skin and schedule a treatment at Huid & Laser Kliniek Delft. Trained dermal therapists with extensive experience in all types of skin and specific issues work here. Ask for a free consultation.

What things should I not do after my electric hair removal treatment?

After the treatment of electric hair removal you can resume almost all daily activities. Sport is not a problem. You can also use your own creams or cosmetics. What you should avoid is scratching at possible scabs. In case of itching you can also use a cooling cream. Our dermal therapist can tell you all about this. 

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*Actie is geldig t/m donderdag 31 oktober 2024


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